I saw the movie called Lost in translation.The story is about Bob is a American actor.He need to work for the whisky advertisement in Tokyo .A girl call Charlotte ,who is a wife of a photographer.She come to Tokyo because of his husband.Bob and Charlotte they are the person do not have any thing can relate to them.They are stranger,but just put they in the this situation that living in Tokyo,they meet each other,become friends.They came from same country,speak same language ,stay in Tokyo which is totally different culture and language.They start lost themself in this country.The story start from this,and then they find each other,become friend they try to leave lonely and get fun in Tokyo by relying on each other.During the time when I saw the movie,I was thinking they love each other or just bore so they need each other.At the end I realize that they are just friend,need someone to stay and play .They are friend.
Lost in translation,relationship
There are a few scene make me fell that they are just friend.First of all is

At once,Chalotte find that a woman sleep with Bob,Chalotte feel angry,but Bob fell that Chalotte do not understand him.But they forgive each other when Bob will leave japan.From this,I can fell that they just can be like friends,because they do not really know each other.
Lost in translation,not adapt live in Japan
Then I would like to talk how the director express Bob and Chalotte can not adapt the life in Tokyo. First is when Bob was making the whisky advertisement , the director for the advertisem

Lost in translation,start adapt live in japan
When the time goes,Bob start to adapt into Japanese style,he try to enjoy the entertainment in japan.He went to the club with clarile ,he talk with a Japanese . Eventhough they speak different language when they are talking,but they still can talk for long time,they can still have good time.The other time is Bob went to hospital ,he wait Chalotte outside,at that time,he talked with a japanese old woman.Again they speak complete different language,they talk different topi

Lost in translation,the relationship betwen Bob and his wife
For that scene I want to analysising the relationship with Bob and his wife.His wife asked him which burgundy he like for his study room?However he even do not know which one is burgundy.From this scene I can see their relationship have problem.maybe his wife think they are fine , but for Bob who think they do not have enough talking and his wife just spend a lot of time on children.Bob try to figure out their problem.,even though Bob do not know about burgundy,but he still tell his wife h

Lost in translation,Chalotte
Let's talk about Chalotte,at the beginning ,she is so lonely ,always stay at home smoking..Sofia Coppola took many shot of that Chalotte sit near the window.From the window it can see the japan's view.Chalotte just look at the view,she are afraid of go into the Japanese life. From the window,we can see the cars are moving,the colorful life is outside,but Chalotte just sit there,it can see all the colorful and cars outside are different from Chalotte's life.She just look at yhe change of Japan day and day.She do not want to change herself into it.
Lost in translation,Bob is leaveing
For this shot in the movie,Bob will leave japan soon,when he was in the car,he saw Chalotte on the street by herslef,I fell that the people aroun

Lost in translation,contrast scene
At the begi
ning of the movie, Sofia Coppola took shot about the street view in japan at the same time Bob's face looks strange to all this view and building.At the end of the movie,Sofia Coppola also take a shot when Bob leave Japan,Sofia Coppola also take the shot of the street view in Japan.But this time the camera go from the side of street to the font of the road. It means Bob recall the japan's
memery,then he need to look forward in his life.Japan just part of his life station .
At the begi

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