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Monday, April 19, 2010

Do the right thing_3480_HAM

Film name:Do the right thing

Name :zhao(ham)ZHANG

Student ID:3480

Shelton Jackson who is also called "Spike" Lee. He was born in March 20 on 1957. He is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company 40 Acres & A Mule Film works has produced over 35 films since 1983. Lee's movies have examined race relations that the roles are played as in contemporary life, showed urban crimes and poverty, and other political issues. He has won an Emmy Award and was nominated for two Academy Awards. Lee's film "Do the Right Thing" was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay in 1989. A lot of people including some in Hollywood such as Kim Besieger, believed that "Do the Right Thing" also deserved a Best Picture nomination. His film style is very sharp with explosive force to the habits and social plight of blacks and has a profound experience.

“Do the right thing” was made by famous black director “spike lee”from US in 1989. It was the most controversial film when it first shown. It was always included in people's top 10 films lists in the 1980s. It is also considered as one of the most important films in the history of American cinema. As film shows Martin Luther King and Malcom X’s photo, Martin luther king Condemn violence, but Malcolm X beat the drum for violence with violence is the only way to self-defense. This is exactly deliberately created confusing point of this filmHow the position of standing can be called “Do the right thing”? Spike lee in this film can be said it done wellbecause the film is in addition to queries and complaints of unequal treatment of blacks in the United States and Ethnic statushe also hopes the black people should be self-aware and find out how to do is the correct action from this film.


The movie depicts a hottest day of summer, Sal’s (Italian-American) Famous Pizzeria which apparently the only white-owned business in the Brooklyn black’s neighborhood and how does Italian American contest with African-American. It also inserted into the other across street a retail store of Korean.

The various ethnic groups live in this street, there a number of seemingly trivial things lead them to the ethnic conflict is Mapping of contemporary racial discrimination which hidden in the United States.
This movie’s color strongly, as the movie theme, tilted camera angles used of the dialogue, it makes immanent restless.

The story began to describe every little things of black people’s life,

The director reveals political claims radically and performance in day-to-day life softly.

Therefore, some unique black Character, like a mentally disabled man named Smiley, he continuously selling a Martin Luther King Jr. And Markem X's photos; A young man named Radio Raheem lives for nothing else but to playing the theme song of the movie” Fight the Power" on his boom box wherever he goes. He wears a "love" and "hate" four-fingered ring on either hand which he explains in one scene to symbolize the struggle between the two forces; Three men sitting on the street talking; Honest and kind-hearted tramp "Da mayor”; Jordan shoes A man whom worn Jordan shoes and radical racial sentiments named ML; Of course, Indispensable one is Mookie (Spike Lee) who works as a pizza delivery man for Sal’s.

The character of our daily life is also a typical symbol of our daily life.

Thus, although lots of film characters, but all fragmentary laterals are important because of it support the whole film and triggered conflict of the end. And characters are details and did not make the film a complicated disorderThe film plot only occurs in the same day, from morning to night, warm and hot to cold and manic violence. The film is substantial, it also a social epitome of an epoch.

Someone said: Spike Lee occupies a position of film industry in United States because of this film.

In addition to the successful movie themeNamely violence and hatred against, eager of social inclusion and equality freedom. In addition to self-reflection what makes black-American weak’s main reason, Also have to mention the film's theme song "fight the power"This song from “public enemy which is composite of black that only made of “Do the right thing”. The song is powerful and mightiness. It voiced unequal treatment of black Americans complaint.

The film ends on an ambiguous note due to two quotations. The first, from, argues that violence is never justified under any circumstances. The second, from Malcolm X, argues that violence is "intelligent" when it is self-defense. But I think, whatever the reason is, racial discrimination and violence should not be right. People should be respect between each other. And I believe that is what spike lee wants to tell us in his film.

Do the Right Thing

United States, 1989 U.S. Release Date: 30/6/89
Running Length: 2:00 Director: Spike Lee Producer: Spike Lee Screenplay: Spike Lee
Principal Character Names and their Racial/Ethnic Affiliation



- Main protagonist of the film also is the director/writer (Spike Lee).

- Seems to be the only African-American that has a job.

- Often says 'I gotten get paid' and 'Get a job!'

- Mookie doesn't show much interest in the neighborhood, only interested in money.


- Owner of the only Italian Pizzeria in the neighborhood.

- Is the father of Pino and Vito, and is also Mookie's boss.

- Nice and kind guy, he has been working in the Pizzeria for 25 years.

- To make his problems disappear, he often throws money at them to make them go away (etc. to Da Mayor and Smiley)

- "Extra cheese is two dollars."


- Works with his father and brother at the Pizzeria

-Against African-Americans, however he idolizes famous 'Black' people.

- Often fights with his brother, Vito.

- "Take your pizza and get the f*** back to Africa."

- The younger son of Sal, and brother to Pino.

- Seems to be close with Mookie

- "See, Pop, it's just what I was telling ya, every time you tell Pino what to do, he tells me to do what you told him what to do. "


- A big man with a boom box who roams the street blasting "Fight The Power".

- Owns brass knuckle rings with 'Love' and 'Hate' on them

- Is known by everyone in the hood, people tend to be scared of him.

- White cops kill him at the end during the riot.

- "Put some extra mozzarella on that mother f***er"


- Always seems to be bothered by something... (No 'brothers' on the wall, and dirt on his shoes)

- Has a massive urge to boycott Sal's Pizzeria

- Was told to boycott his hair dresser instead

- This actor is ironically part-Italian in real life.

-"Yo Mookie! (What?) Stay Black."


- Mookie's elder sister

- She lets her brother stay in her apartment

- Opposite to Buggin' Out, she wants to improve the community instead of make matters worse.

- Seems to be close to Sal

- "Stop breathing down my neck! Your breath stinks!"


-Usually intoxicated, often called "Drunk Old Man"

- Sal pays him occasionally to clean up the street

- Has a thing for Mother-Sister, even buys roses for her

- Attempts to say the right things, but not many people listen because it doesn't make sense.

- "Doctor!" (What?) "Always do the right thing." (That's it?) "That's it".


- Always sits on her window sill, keeping a "watchful eye" on the neighborhood

- Gets annoyed at Da Mayor for being a "drunk fool"

"Hold your tongue! You don't have that much love."


- Mookie's Puerto-Rican girlfriend

- Seems to have fights with her mother

- Has an African-American son with Mookie

-"Trust you? The last time I trusted you, Mookie, I ended up with a son."


- A mentally retarded man, who sells postcards to the neighborhood

- Joins up with Radio Raheem and Buggin' Out at the end to boycott Sal's Pizzeria

- Puts photos of Malcolm X and MLK jr on Sal's wall

- "One of the police was black!"


- Constantly shows up throughout the film, he is the narrator of the movie

- Supplies music for the neighborhood, everyone seems to listen to his radio station

- "Yo! Hold up! Time out! TIME OUT! Y'all take a chill! Ya need to cool that shit out! And that's the double truth, Ruth! "



- These guys observe the community, and make funny comments often

- They can see the problem, but like many others, don't do anything to fix the problem

- "You wanna boycott someone? You ought to start with the goddamn barber that f***ed up your head."


- Own the only grocery shop in the neighborhood

- They get abused often by the African-Americans

- They ran out of Da Mayor's favorite beer.

- "Motherf*** you!"


- This group wanders around the neighborhood, trying to find fun and enjoyment

- Often pick on Da Mayor for being so old and drunk

- They have been going to Sal's Pizzeria since they were little kids

"Da Mayor... D.A for Drunk Ass!"






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