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Mia - 4030 - Lost in Translation

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Lost in Translation, loneliness, analysis

Monday, April 19, 2010

Analysis of “Do the Right Thing” David 3772

Analysis of “Do the Right Thing”

The film “DO the Right Thing” is a story about one day’s life in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, in this day, 2 black people have some conflict with the owner of a pizzeria, then one of the black is killed by the police, and finally those angry black people ruin the restaurant to release their anger.

(Reference from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_Lee)
In the film “Do the Right Thing”, Spike Lee is trying to tell a message which is always “do the right thing”.

The main character in the film is Mookie. Mookie is lives in this small town, and he lives with his sister, he works In Sal’s pizzeria. It’s quiet hard to describe Mookie, Mookie is not like most of the other black people which spend all their time on doing nothing, Mookie has a job, and in the film, we can see Mookie is very serious on earn money, but the film also shows that Mookie is not a hardworking person, he wants to earn more but he always being lazy while working, this is also the reason that he can easily lost his job.

The starting of the film its quiet boring, but it shows how the life of a normal day in this town begins. Through the film, I see how those people lives, most of the black people just sitting and chatting for the whole day, a man called Smiley sells his photo, Love Daddy talk In the radio, Radio walks with his giant radio everywhere, and Buggin, as he says himself, he is just a trouble maker.

The high tide of the film is started when Radio, Smiley and Buggin go and have a conflict with Sal. And in this conflict, Radio is dead, Sal’s pizzeria is ruined. It’s hard to say this is whose fault, but I think the main reason is that the different culture between the different races. The white race which Sal stand, most of them discriminate the black people, and those black people like Radio and Buggin, most of them may hate the white race, because they think that the white race treat them unfair.

And talk deeper about Radio’s death, what makes this happen? Is this Sal’s fault? Or it’s the NYPD’s fault? Actually Radio and Buggin should also be responsible for this. I really don’t like the character Buggin and Radio, I think Sal actually did not bad in this community, he spend almost his whole life there to run his pizzeria, and we can’t say he has done an awesome job, but he does worked hard and he gives those people chance to have pizza, honestly, Sal is like the other white races, he does have some discriminate to some of the black people, but he still run the pizzeria, like he said earlier in the film, he works in there most of his life. And as my opinion, Sal treats Mookie not bad, I know in the film it looks like Sal doesn’t gives Mookie a good working environment, but in fact, Sal knows Mookie always being lazy, he still let Mookie works in his pizzeria, from this angle, I can find that Sal does being nice to Mookie.

And on the other side, about Radio and Buggin, what kind of people are they? See through in the film, Radio is a man who stroll in the community all the time with a big radio, and in one of the shot, we see that Radio carry his radio and provoke some other people, and his having fun with this, and the reason he has conflict with Sal is that Sal don’t allow him to play his loud music in the pizzeria, is this Sal’s mistake? I don’t think so. Well every should have their rights, Sal owns his pizzeria of course, and why? Why he don’t want the music makes Radio so angry with that? Think about it. Let’s see Buggin first. I think Buggin is even worst than Radio, we see that at least Radio does not think about to make trouble after Sal let him turn off the radio, but Buggin is not. Buggin’s problem is that he wants some black face on the wall of Sal’s pizzeria, because he thought Sal is earning the black’s money, so he should do more for the black. Another shot, a white man with a bicycle unconsciously bumps Buggin, normally people just say” sorry, dude”, “no worries man”, then, it’s done, but Buggin does not do that, he keep s disputing with that guy, but in fact, this disputing works nothing. So in the film, finally, Buggin find Radio and Smiley together, go to make trouble with Sal, and Radio die.

In this happening, what kind of actor does Mookie does. Firstly Mookie is trying to stop this conflict, but we can see that he does not doing very hardly. Why is this? It’s because in the final analysis, Mookie is a black, but he also works in Sal’s pizzeria, so on the self pride side, he can’t do things that too opposite to the blacks, like hardly stop his friends. On the other side, he cannot help these blacks, because he knows that what those guys doing is the wrong thing. Later when Radio is killed by the NYPD, the black people start getting angry, Mookie throw the trash bin into Sal’s pizzeria. In the first time, I quiet can’t understand why is Mookie doing this? Because I think Sal treat Mookie not bad, and Mookie seems know that, so why? I have asked my lecturer about this question, and the answer we discussed about is that Mookie is quiet a smart man, what he do seems like that he’s the starter of this devastation, but what we thought that Mookie is just doing the right thing which he think it’s right, as the theme of the movie, do the right thing. Mookie may think if him does not do this, they black people which are getting angry, maybe will do something that bad to Sal’s family, so what he does in one side he’s just change people’s attention, find another way to release their anger, instead of doing the bad thing.

Finally, the life still has to be continued, Mookie and Sal also knows this, they have try to figure what’s the right thing to do in the future.

P.S. Special Moment

1. The Korean couple saying they are black when the angry black trying to ruin their store.
2. Love and hate ring.
3. Da Mayor saved a young black child.
4. Smiley sales his photos.

There are still lots of things can be write, but this is it.

All images come from: http://med1915d.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2010-04-07T10%3A00%3A00%2B10%3A00&max-results=7
All reference are brackets into <> this symbol

David Lin 3772­­­

3041 Anthony‘'s Movie Analysis- "Dogville"

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The argument about human beings and human beings and humanity, we have never received a correct answer for that. There is always one hand stick to the point of view that humanity is basically good. On the other hand, a lot more people believe that the natures of humanity are awful, ugly and dark.

The movie “Dogville” directed by Lars Von Trier who is a Danish film director and screenwriter. He is associated with the Dogme 95 collective. The Dogme 95 is an avant-garde filmmaking movement started in 1995 by some Danish directors including Lars Von Trier. The purpose of the Dogme 95 is to purify film making by refusing expensive and spectacular computer effects. They believe that a excellent film needs to focus more on the actual story and the actors’ performances. The audiences may also be more engaged to the story without have overproduction to alienate them from the narrative, themes and moods. In this case, the film “Dogville” is setting in the 1930s’ American town which the whole scenery is entirely constructed on a soundstage with marks on the floor indicating houses, street names and gooseberry bushes. The movie is talking about a girl called Grace who escape from a group of gangsters and arrives in Dogville. Therefore, the people from the town agree to hide her, the condition is Grace needs to work for them. Everything is harmonious in the beginning, until the police come to the town and noted that Grace is wanted. The townspeople want a better deal in exchange for the higher risk of keeping Grace in the town. Grace has to work more and earn less. After that, it doesn’t take long for the worm to turn and the town’s true intentions to come through, as they exploit, and manipulate Grace, even unwarranted insult her…
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People feel depressive while watching the movie. The theme of the movie weighed heavily on my mind and a big question mark come over my head why the townspeople are become so awful and what makes them change their mind? In the chapter one, Grace and Tom stand outside of the shop watch the figurines in the shop window and tom says “Those awful figurines say more about the people in this town, than many words.” But Grace retorted upon him “All I see is a beautifully little town in the midst of magnificent mountains, a place where people have hopes and dreams even under the hardest conditions. And seven figurines that are not awful at all.” From these quotes we can see the primary impression of Dogville and people lives in here toward Grace are such so glorious, even she always believe Tom can see through everything. The essence behind these so called “beautifully little town in the midst of magnificent mountains, a place where people have hopes and dreams” is the darkest and turest humanity which has not been concealed yet.

It is the basic human nature that people always want to get what they want and be what they want to be. After the police came and wanted Grace, townspeople feel compunction about hiding Grace. People lives in the town treat themselves as “square John”. To balance their conscience, just like the title of chapter 6 “In which Dogville bares its teeth”. The kids tease her because she has a kind-heart and never get mad. Orchardist Chuck threatened her with telling police she is hiding in Dogville and rape her. The physical and emotional burden becomes heavier to Grace. But she choice grins and bears it. At the same time, Grace’s moral belief and sympathy has slowly faded away.
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At the end of the movie, Grace recognize that there are nothing big different between her gangster father. The only different is the people lives the town are cowardice and awful. They also want to be evil but they don’t have courage. All they can do is use somebody else to satisfy their needs. Therefore, at the end, Grace said “If there is any town this world would be better without, this is it.” After a massacre, “A beautifully little town in the midst of magnificent mountains” is no longer existed.

Let go back to the beginning of the movie, why the people in Dogville looks poor and backward but in Grace’s mind they are honest and goodness. The answer for this is because the town has less contact with outside. In addition, they are not wealthy and have no conflict of interest. These make the town not to seek fame and wealth. But it doesn’t mean people lived here are the salt of the earth. If there is a great interest coming from the outside world. The conflict will occur and everything will change tremendously. Grace is that great interest come from outside. Indubitable, serving ourselves before the needs of others has always been our flaw. This also is the nature of humanity.

After the movie, ask yourself a question, if you are one of the townspeople, would you use Grace to satisfy your needs. Behind the profit, you will concern about yourself more or somebody else. Dogville is reflected the whole world. Ask yourself is that people’s relationship built on exchange demand. We all know human nature is greedy. When you give people more, they will take more; finally, they are used to what they have. Grace’s experience in the Dogville is a good example. Tom says to Grace: Dogville has offered you two weeks. Now you offer them…”

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Director Lars Von Trier is good at describe character’s inner world by using different film techniques. In the movie “Dogville” he has used the special technique to shoot this file, the whole movie looking more like a grand stage play. As movie industry developed, lots of film maker depend on computer effects, ignore the nature of story. “Dogville” used the way which ignore the camera technique but produce the best possible result on music and plot. Let the audience really get into the development of plot. Not just enjoy the unreal effect made by computer. “Dogville” gives you great imaginary space because the movie setting on the cavernous soundstage with buildings and trees represented by line drawings on the ground with a description in block letters. The audiences have to imagine all the scenes. Also the audience can pay more attention on the acting skills. The whole movie shoots by hand-held by following the rule of Dogme 95.

However, the movie “Dogville” is beautiful piece of filmmaking from one of the true geniuses of modern cinema; it also is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity.

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Rule "Vow of Chastity," made by Dogme 95 are as follows:

1. Filming must be done on location. Props and sets must not be brought in. If a particular prop is necessary for the story, a location must be chosen where this prop is to be found.
2. The sound must never be produced apart from the images or vice versa. Music must not be used unless it occurs within the scene being filmed, i.e., diegetic.
3. The camera must be a hand-held camera. Any movement or immobility attainable in the hand is permitted. The film must not take place where the camera is standing; filming must take place where the action takes place.
4. The film must be in colour. Special lighting is not acceptable (if there is too little light for exposure the scene must be cut or a single lamp be attached to the camera).
5. Optical work and filters are forbidden.
6. The film must not contain superficial action (murders, weapons, etc. must not occur.)
7. Temporal and geographical alienation are forbidden (that is to say that the film takes place here and now).
8. Genre movies are not acceptable.
9. The final picture must be transferred to the Academy 35mm film, with an aspect ratio of 4:3, that is, not widescreen. Originally, the requirement was that the film had to be filmed on Academy 35mm film, but the rule was relaxed to allow low-budget productions.
10. The director must not be credited.

Raging Bull

Raging Bull

Talk about sports movies we can not miss Raging Bull. It is a great a movie talk about World middleweight boxing champion Jake La Motta’s life, Raging Bull is a 1980 American movie directed by Martin Scorsese. This is Martin Scorsese’s representative. Its great reputation, so we think of sports movies, you think of it. It is no exaggeration to say that: it is a landmark there, after making all sports movies are overshadowed.
Raging bull is a 1980’s movie, but they used black and white film, this is the magic of the film. It shows the 50’s social, show a man how self-destruction and self-redemption. Sports film common theme, but in this film is not old-fashioned.
This is a biographical film, black and white film, flashback, some boring, but extraordinary blood. Contradiction has always been kind of beautiful. To some extent: this is not a movie, because it goes beyond the film, it can go beyond the emotional film, in-depth heart.

Jake La Motta tempestuous, after he yield Mafia and lose a game, his life start changes. After twice divorce, fight with his brother, poor and lonely, from a great boxer become a club talk show clown, the story is simple but cruel.
From start, movie become grey, violence around whole movie. Jake start fight with his rival on the ring and audience start fight; Jake’s brother punch his son and wife; Jake always punch his wife and almost kill his brother. Always is violence.
“Raging Bull” inexplicable anger. So use punch to solute.

And Jake become old.
Young Jake warm-up on the boxing ring and he is supercilious. He is shouting:“You can’t take me down, you never take me down.” Old and fat Jake get ready to do talk show, and he said:“give me a ring, I can still fight, but I’d like to recite poems.”.

Jake always punch his wife, keep telling her kill her and then apologize, ask her to stay. He is vent, Raging bull is roar. But except roar, bull can’t fight any more.
At the end Jake sell his gold belt to pay his recognizance. This is his most important things, for his own life he have to sell it.
Young Jake is a bastard, a violence bastard, everything use fist to solute. And when his is old, he knows everything, as the end of the movie finally Jake found his brother, finally he knows he was a monster before, so he repent.
A happy ending, isn’t it?

There are some lines are very good.
Jake La Motta: Go get 'em, champ Jake La Motta: I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss... I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss, I'm da boss.
When movie finished there are two lines.
So, for the second time, the Pharisees summoned the man who had been blind and said: "Speak the truth before God.We know this fellow is a sinner." "Whether or not he is a sinner, I do not know," The man replied. "All I know is this: Once I was blind and now I can see."

Ryan - 3207 - Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation, background

Lost in Translation was directed by the well-known American director Sofia Coppola which was her third movie after "Lick the star" and "The Virgin Suicides" and was the most nominated movie. As for me, it was one of the most successful narrative films I have ever seen. different to many other movies, lost in translation was not focused on surprisingly plots or brilliant visual effects, but told a story which seemed to be flat. To be frank, it was a story that only those who had similar experiences or feelings could identified with. The emotions involved in this movie were revealed slowly by forwarding the plot.
Lost in Translation, encounter
The background of this movie is in Tokyo. The film details the encounter and brief relationship between Bob and Charlotte. The two Americans meet each other in Tokyo. Bob is a middle-aged famous American actor who came all the way to Tokyo to film a serious of advertisements for a whisky company. This is not his own wish but he has to earn money and keep his fame at his bottleneck period of his career from this job. He is struggling with his age and annoyance from his insipid family life. Charlotte, a young yale graduate, is accompanying her photographer husband on a business trip in Tokyo. However, as her husband is always busy with his jobs, Charlotte spends most of her time alone in this unacquainted city. Although she has some friends in Tokyo, she still feels lonely. Then the two irrelevant people start their unexpected relationships. Their acquaintanceship is not by accident or introduced by someone, they just gradually try to seek out each other after few casual encounters. There are some scenes show their come across, such as in the elevator or in the bar of the hotel.

Lost in Translation, lost in life in Tokyo
As we can see from the title of the movie, "lost" is a quite strong emotional word here. The precondition of the two main characters' relation is very special and unusual. If they are both in America, they might just brushed against each other on the road. Nonetheless, they are now both in Tokyo. A place that is full of foreigners, incomprehensive language and culture. Bob and Charlotte are apart from all of what they are familiar with. In one scene, Charlotte calls her friend in U.S. to talk about her life in Japan, she said she can feel nothing when goes to Tokyo's temple and even starts to study flower arrangement. This represents that she really need

something familiar with. The most important information that the movie title reveals to us is that the two Americans do not understand Japanese and cannot communicate with local people that makes them feel lost and isolated. Trying to show some language and culture barriers when they are staying in Tokyo, there are many low-key comedies in the film. For example: the showerhead is too low for Bob and the girl who enters into Bob's room and ask him to "lip" her

stockings. These details are all convincing audiences that Bob and Charlotte can hardly integrate the life in Japan. I think the director here smartly put the two characters into this given environment to explore humanity and feeling is quite a wise decision. These conditions are like catalysts that could magnify the human original nature and true feelings. when people feel lonely, they can be sensitive and pessimistic. There are many time and spaces left in the movie for characters to think and feel. It is unusual for a film that those standstills can make the film boring. However, the thinking of life from those characters could also leave spaces for audiences to comprehend the life.

Lost in Translation, emotions

The film studies some topics in depth such as love, marriage and life. And characters in the movie have abundant emotions expressed. Coppola represents her ideas of those issues by shot the emotions of characters. I believe the most success factor of Lost in Translation is that it is thought provoking. It could make audiences to think about many things after watching the movie. I can feel the loneliness and confusions that Bob and Charlotte experience when I watch the film. The director uses many scenes to show the characters' feelings and emotions. As a middle aged man, Bob is at his downhill of his life, both in love and career. Bob's 25 years marriage has wore down his passionate to life. When he stays in Tokyo, he could always receive messages or calss from his wife to ask about the decoration problems about their house in America. One of them is even a fax from America at early morning. Family life to him is all about

kids and odds and ends. There is one shot in the movie that he lost in thought in bathtub after

answering the call from his wife, he feels tired and depressed. I am also thinking about the meaning of his marriage to him after so long time. I think his family could only be a habit and responsibility to him but not much love involved. The close-up shot of his facial expression of answering phone calls from his wife shows that he feels dejected an gloomy. So when he meets Charlotte, she must be a fresh and unexpected element in his depressing life. Charlotte's beauty and vitality makes Bob feel back to his young age. In this special place, Charlotte becomes his last straw to clutch at. this can be seen from the shot that he meets Chalotte at the bar. Then turns to Charlotte, she is a well-educated girl who studies philosophy. This characteristic makes her easily to penetrate the other's thoughts and get bored with those tiresome conversation. This can be evidenced from her reaction at the bar when listening to the others' conversation.

Her major in university teaches her to think and feel of life. But after she went to the temple in Tokyo, she could feel nothing there. It might because of the culture difference between her education and Japanese tradition. She feels confused as she cannot find her belief in Japan. And the worst thing is , she feels that the beautiful actress might be her rival in love.

Lost in Translation, relationship
The relationship between Bob and Charlotte remains at the film's core, and remains platonic despite strong sexual undercurrents. They have no sexual contact. The director specially adds one scene in the movie that they lay on one bed to talk about their lives without having sex.

What Coppola wants to express might be that Bob and Charlotte need friends, maybe special friends, but not those sexually related. They are both lonely and feel empty inside their hearts, they want to find someone who could fill up their hearts. They both have families and they care about them. However, they have strong attractions to each other, so they are more than just friends. One scene in the movie is that in one morning, Charlotte saw a woman in Bob's room and feels angry about it. If they are just friends, Charlotte would not angry about this. And for

Bob, if he treats Charlotte as only a friend or someone not important, he will ask to have sex with Charlotte and does not care about her feelings like that woman he slept with. So as we can say that, between Bob and Charlotte, a deep bond of friendship takes root, which leads to something more sublime than what we normally see between male and female characters in movies. They might love each other, but their relationship can only ends up with a goodbye in an excited street.

Lost in Translation, scenery of the city

There are massive shots of the Tokyo city, both day and night sceneries. When Bob first arrives in Tokyo, he sits inside the car and looks outside, there is a long-time scene for the city view of Tokyo, full of Japanese words. The director wants to show here that Tokyo is a totally strange place to Bob and presents his confusion and nervousness of living in Japan. Other scenes that show Tokyo is a flourishing and prosperous city are used to set off the loneliness of the two main characters. In comparison with the lively city, Bob and Charlotte are so lonely and negligible. The theme of the movie is reflected in this filming technique.

Sunny - 3002 - Lost in Translation

Film Analysis

Film: Lost in Translation
Name: Sunny

Student ID: 3002

Date: 19/04/2010

Picture from website

This movie is made by Sofia Coppola in 2003. This film only use 27 days to shoot. Even if this movie is a low cost to made, it won Oscar, another 70 wins and 59 nominations. This is a miracle. Sofia Coppola’s father is Francis Ford Coppola. She is born in the director of family. Her first movie is The Virgin Suicides in 1999 and Lost in Translation is her second movie by her. When I first to watch this film, I cannot feel anything. It’s so bored, but now when I watch it again, it give me different feeling.

In this film, Scarlett Johansson plays a heroine (Charlotte), and Bill Murray plays a hero (Bob Harris). It is talking about two American (Charlotte and Bob) in the different country. Bob Murray is an old star, and he is sick of all life about his charm, family. He hates everything to live. Charlotte is young and beautiful university graduates. She married with a cameraman two years ago, and she come Tokyo to live with her husband. Her husband is crazy about his job and almost ignores his wife Charlotte. In Tokyo, Charlotte doesn’t have any friend; she can not pour out her vexation. They are both lonely and depressed. One day, they meet together in the pub. After they are all lonely and then they do a series of act. They try to adapt to life in Tokyo. In the end, they find something like faith to happy live get together.

Shot by myself

When this movie start, the first picture is medium size and it show the back of girl lay on the bed. She looks like sleep. In this time, it doesn’t have any noise. It’s so quiet and then the music starts. Then the voice of the airplane is starting.
Next shot is second picture in this movie. It use close up to show this man wake up to see the different country from taxi.
Here, it looks like a passage type. From the quiet to noise, and different background to show two people feel different lonely. It take us to noisy Tokyo.

Shot by myself

These shot use extreme close up to show a letter form Bob’s wife. Only some sentences in the letters, especially the second letter is sending at 4:30am. It euphemistically describe Bob’s life is not happy with his family. The time difference, he can not conform.

Shot by myself

When cameras do these two shots, it doesn’t move. From these shots, it describe Bob is so lone deeply. First shot, Bob stand around the people, he is the tallest one in them. It shows different culture. When Bob go back his room, he listens to the music, but he can not understand. The background is dense building, and he just sit on the bed. It is comparison strongly.

Shot by myself

These two shot still use contrast to show Bob is lonely. First shot, every people is talking together, only Bob sit by the desk alone. And then somebody is talking about him. They can not believe a famous star will come here. From these words, it means Bob is an old star.

Shot by myself

Bob can not sleep, and then the camera change to the other side. The picture show a girl Charlotte sits by the window. The background is dense building, and the sound only have grunt of his husband. It describe Charlotte is lonely at night and can not adapt new environment.

Shot by myself

These shots are that show different language to make some problems. The director walks around Bob and talking something to attention. The shot only medium size for director and background is use long shot for Bob to show Bob sit on the sofa to listen, but he can not understand. In the end, he gives up to discuss and make some problems. He can not finish director’s work.

Shot by myself

The movement of camera is keep. This shot describe Charlotte call her friend to say her feeling in Tokyo. The other side of phone only sends her friend busy voice. The camera angle is from the back of Charlotte. The light of this shot is the cold tune. It shows Charlotte is lonely and helpless.

Shot by myself

This shot is after Bob and Charlotte second meet in the hotel, and Charlotte send a cup of beer to Bob. Then Bob go back. He stands in the lift and looks his face in the mirror. This angle of camera shoots from the back of Bob. It uses the medium size to shoot and describe his feeling. In this shot, he smiles, he thinks he would have more charm in middle age.

Shot by myself

This shot is at same night. Charlotte and Bob both can not sleep at night. They all hold remote control to control television. The same angle of camera and some can not understand TV program to describe they are lonely and insomnia.

Shot by myself

This shot is that show Charlotte’s husband is crazy about his job and almost ignores his wife. This shot of camera shoot around Charlotte. Firstly, it shoots the outside scenery through the glass. It is all tall building and the light of shot looks cold. It just like Charlotte’s feeling in the mind. It is depression, lonely and absently to live.

Shot by myself

When Charlotte first come to game house, she only watches people play alone. The first picture is from Charlotte invite Bob go out with her friends. The second picture is from Bob invite Charlotte go to pub, and then run away. Different environment, get same feeling. Before they only stay in the hotel and bemused to see the outside noisy. Now, they run in the street. They study live in Tokyo and they get good friendship.

Shot by myself

These two shot is from the first date in KTV. They come there, but still sing some lonely songs. They can not cover up their lonely feeling. In the first shot, Bob do a wrong thing, he watch the camera. In this data, they get noise to quiet. It just like Charlotte take Bob back to school life.

Shot by myself

In this shot, they are still not going to sleep after they are go out together. The other side, Bob is same to her. And then Bob invite Charlotte come his room to watch TV together. After that, they lie on the bed and talk about their mind. It is a deepness talking. The angle of camera is from the top and does not move it. There is not any background sound. It is like friend talking heart to heart.

Shot by myself

This shot is last shot. There is no ending in this story. The writer and director Sofia Coppola make suspense in the end. They hold and whispers. The shot is close up and the background is using some computer technique to blur and the color is not cold like before, it get warmer. It make them is point. And then the music starts and takes us to leave Tokyo. This is answer for the movie start. It makes audience to think they want.

When this movie start, Sofia Coppola shoot a lot of night scene in Tokyo. The music is
. It looks like this film take us walk into the lonely Tokyo. It sounds misty and cold. But in the end, the music is . It sounds more warm and just like the lyric: ‘I can do’. They find faith in the end, and echo the start of movie.

Sofia Coppola is a famous and smart director. She loves to use echo style to describe this story in this movie. In , she uses more and more contrast method to say it. For example, the music change and the background change. And she also usually uses euphemistic form to describe something that have to say, but it is not point, such as Bob’s life. In this whole movie, his wife never come in, Sofia Coppola use the Fax, phone and letters to describe their emotion problems.

1. The poster is from the website:
2. All shot images by myself.