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Mia - 4030 - Lost in Translation

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Lost in Translation, loneliness, analysis

Saturday, May 29, 2010

3500 - MeL - random movie review - [Lost in Translation]

Lost in translation

When the western man in the life which filled with the Japanese, his was taller than the others and stood out among them. This metophors that his is different compare to the others, including his nationality, culture, language and his occupation (he is a star)

When the western girl wanted to decorate her room with flowers like Sakkara, but follow by trapping herself over, it is a metaphor of she is trying to involve into the country, its culture and more, but end up unsuccessfully, she is still mentally lost.

Two people, parallel line, because of the environment they in and the conflict they experiencing, have lead them to intersect at a crossing point.

Friday, May 7, 2010

winge 2299, kill bill Vol.1

I highly recommand to see the word file. because i don't think i can manage the blog view.

here is the movie that I choose to analyze about.
kill bill are deviled in two volume but it is one story and one film only. unlike most of the story has been told in Hollywood's movies, kill bill use chapter to retelling the story for how kiddo got vengeance to her former group of assassin squad then kill bill. Quentin Tarantino mess up the chapters make the film look a bit misunderstanding but it get the effect people is desire to keep stay in front of the TV or screen to see what happen to the bride and how it defeat opponents. Quentin Tarantino are a violence lover and it like konghu thing very well(this is the reason he use burce li uniform, sword and martial arts), so most of his film will involve violence, bloody scene, and martial art. it is no surprise to see this kind of thing in this movie. former films(reservoir dogs-1992 , pulp ficiton-1994, Jackie brown-1997 are the same style, other is comedy) not many people can bear the split bones, blood spray. however, not many director will bring this many stuff inside one movie but in kill bill. it is weird to see martial art and katana sword fight in the same scene. and rare to find a movie that was have two kinds of language in the movie. for example, Japanese, English. narrative voice change from 1st person to 2nd person when the story are flashback O-Ren Ishii childhood. because the story is been told by kiddos and no many movie will use a comic style animation to describe some in the movie. here is some thing that Quentin Tarantino flash lighted to the viewers eye ball. animation are choosing western line to draw it because can make match the blood and wild strong violence without make it run away from the film. the filming take place in 4 countries and many cities, for a normal budget film can not get it done, so kill bill spent a long period to filming it.
Quentin Tarantino create a Women of impossible or a goodness that use sword and martial art fight form the a batch of crazy 88 to former Viper squad Members. as the basic drama plot she fight every enemy in different scene. but why I say she is a fighting women without mercy.
l first kill Vernita Green in front of her daughter and threaten her as well,
l second bite the man's tongue who intended to fxxk her and knock the person by the door,
l then killing and killing, kill anything that step on her way and take their head down without a word. what characteristic of kiddos is a cool and calm, merciless, bloody and strong minded women.
why I say that because normally that kind of thing is not real in the reality and it make are the similar to true exist. how can a human take a bullet to her head can get nothing after being violent attacks. how can a person can fight 50or more people can without one single beat or cut. all the question can not be solve. I am not saying the movie is bad or something negative, because I make the commercial runs and people love it but some not. what is the most important is change the view of the film industrial how the movie can be make and how it can be put into the movie. exaggeration of the blood and too much violence are Quentin Tarantino style to direct the movie. whatever we say about the story, we can't be too serious about that, because it is a story and no story is 100% true. enjoy it
this part of the thing that Quentin Tarantino make lots of music from all over the world but the movie take place in Japan and USA. different style and different language and vary types of music.

with a western film beginning, a gun sound of human voice "pingping" is playing when the film dark out after the gun shot at starts.

a beautiful over head camera angle of the kitchen when kiddos and verita get in the kitchen.

first, we can say a incredible back ground music from the beginning of the Elle driver show up in the hospital when she in the corridor. a whistle through Elle changing her clothes and walk inside kiddos room. and when she almost get in the room the music become more loud, and you can feel the pressure because a bad thing is going to happen.

split screen for both of person are really impressive contrast for the status of both, Elle and kiddos who is a patient and one is a killer as predator and pray..

the phone call from bill and Elle have been told to cancel the mission. and bill is the key to the movie but never turns up again since the phone call.

after the animation we have more clear how O-Ren becoming a killer and what makes her to be a killer. also animation input to a film is rare, but it can make it more interesting and impress the audience

fill up O-Ren characteristic describe as a cold and no mercy person when she cut off one of the member's head from her association in the meeting. and use a calm voice shout at the others to show her leadership.

after she fights crazy 88, the bloody scene are scary. you can see the blood are all over the place and cut off hands or other parts of body are in the hotel.

the last sword fighting scene is take place in a Japanese's garden with all white snow, and that kind of scene should be a beautiful scene and many can think that can be a love scene take place but Quentin Tarantino use it to be a violent battle spot to end the assassin and end the first half of the story. his mix up to things that is totally different or opposition of two things into the same screen.

Quentin Tarantino is a good director who can use and match the music in the exactly the right place that not many others director can do so. his is a genius of music catcher and a music lover. you can feel how is the way he make the music in his pervious movies. specially the whistle and the warning sound. they match the environment so very that you think that is suppose to be there.
how to explain the story in the right track is also the big problem for it because of non-linear structure. no obvious flashback, but normally using black and white as the main color would be flashback, Quentin Tarantino try to avoid the lagging of the story so not telling anyone that is a flashback. however, some of the chapter is flashback and telling you what happen before and the bride decide to go on her adventure. to fill up the story but in a wrong order is not really easy to figure it out and Quentin Tarantino try to involve with the viewers inside the story but not telling and hearing it only.
as an action movie kill bill did not using any slow motion in the film instead of full speed. so that when we watch the movie we don't really see how her single reaction does or a single attack does the changes the battle. but a frequent chains of action how she does to the fight. this is the thing that is happy to see in the movie because you can feel the fight from the film but no the computer effect. this is what Quentin Tarantino want to deliver to the viewers.